AI applications, machine learning, human-machine interaction
The following interview snippets were given by Pierre Lison and cover various topics such as the main applications of AI in our society, machine learning and its relations with AI and big data, deep learning, human-machine interaction and its goals as well as the trends and challenges of human-machine interaction.
So my name is Kelly Zone. I’m a senior researcher at the Norwegian Computing Center, which is a research institute working on AI and statistical modeling and generally computer science. And my field of research is AI, and inparticular, everything that has to do with language, so called language technologies or natural language processing.
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The interviewee, Pierre Lison is a senior
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Thank you very much. So what are the main AI technologies and the main AI applications up to now? So, AI is already used in our daily lives. If you think about search engines, Google or computer vision used to recognize objects, or code bars on your cell phone, or speech recognition, anything that has to do with complex problems that require some level of intelligence to be solved. And how about object recognition and voice recognition? Can relate face and speech recognition? Yes. So anything that has to do with recognition of objects on pictures or on video streams is really part of this large field called computer vision. And you can recognize objects, in which case you sort of define the objects that you want to recognize. Like you want to recognize couches or different kind of furniture or Legos or whatever to define the categories that you want to recognize. Typically, you have a system that trains a model to recognize these kinds of objects. And for face recognition, it’s the same, except that instead of physical objects, you work as human faces. And then again, you need a system that you’re training a model that recognizes different kind of persons according to their face. And for speech recognition, it’s essentially the same, except of course, it’s not a visual input, it’s an audio input. But the idea is the same, that you recognize some patterns in the audio, in the audio data that defines different kind of sounds and putting together the sounds, they will make words, they will make sentences, and then you can recognize what is being said and transcribe it. Could you tell us what are the emerging trends of today? AI is a large field already, and it’s growing at a quite fast pace. But some of the biggest trends, of course, is given the widespread availability of large amounts of training data. One of the important trend is really to scale up the technology so that it can process really large amounts of data, everything that you can find on the Web, basically. And that really is both for language technology and so text and computer vision, because you have billions of images on the web. So this scaling up technology is one important trend. On the other hand, an important trend which I find very interesting is really the fact that more and more researchers are looking at the ethical issues behind the technology. Partly because, well, for instance, we’re using basically everything that is found on the Web without tasking human persons that are shown pictures for their consent about their usage for these large models, but also because we realize that AI has really an influence on our daily lives. And then we should think about whether, for instance, AI can become biased or express stereotypes or become hateful, sometimes even because it’s trained on data that is found everywhere on the Web. And we know that the Web is a strange place sometimes. So thinking about how AI what kind of what does the model learn when they scoring the web for data and how we can make sure that they meet our expectations? And, of course, regulations when it comes to non-discrimination. For instance.
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True or false?
In the expert’s opinion AI applications are already broadly used in our society and in our daily life.
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True or false?
Search engines, Google, computer vision, voice/speech recognition, object/face recognition, language technology are examples of AI technologies and AI applications.
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True or false?
Recognition of objects in pictures and video screens is not part of this large field called computer vision.
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True or false?
Computer vision is about training a model to recognise patterns such as physical objects, human voice and faces, visual, audio or video input.
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True or false? According to the expert AI is not growing at a fast pace.
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True or false?
Big Data analytics is one of the emerging technology trends that allows the processing of very large amounts of data.
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True or false?
Researchers don’t consider the ethical issues behind AI technologies as important.
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True or false? In the expert’s opinion AI has no influence in our daily routine, nor in our society.
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Now we will talk a bit more about machine learning. So could you tell us what is machine learning and how does it work? So, machine learning is a branch of AI, but which has become known as the dominant branch of artificial intelligence. And it’s really about building models fora particular task where things are not preprogramed, but are learned from data. So instead of writing down, specifying detailed rules about what the system should do in every situation, you provide some data, training data, because you’re trying to make the system learn from those. And the system will then automatically identify some patterns that are useful for the task at hand and automatically then use it on new data once it’s learned. Could you tell us how is machine learning related to artificial intelligence and also to big data? Yes. So when it comes to the relation to AI, it really has become the dominant way of solving complex AI tasks. Machine learning is to do that on large training sets, and that’s how it relates to big data, in the sense that you are learning model’s toper form different tasks using large data sets. So it’s also really directly related to big data.
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Machine learning is:
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Machine learning is about: (2 right answers)
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Machine learning: (2 right answers)
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And what is the difference between machine learning and deep learning? So deep learning is a particular kind of technology for machine learning. It’s not the only one, but it’s become a very popular one for some types of problems. The point there in deep learning is to learn so called neural network networks with many processing layers. So you have a quite complex mathematical model which is comprised of small computing nodes that receive information and then forwarded on to other neurons or other computing nodes that have specific mathematical properties. And even though these small nodes are quite simple in isolation, the fact that you combine them together and connect them in large networks with millions of such notes, a bit like in your brain where neurons are connected to one another, can make systems learn how to perform complicated tasks. For instance, deep neural networks. And deep learning has been used for machine translation. So the automated translation like in Google Translate, we know that it’s a complicated task, machine translation, you have to understand the context of the sentence. You have to understand the linguistic properties of both the input language in the target language. You have to understand how words combine with each other so that if two words are put together, it makes construction that is translated differently. So these are really complex tasks and we know that using traditional machine learning Latif was stored until 2010 that give results that were okay most cases, but with serious mistakes and problems understanding contextual factors, for instance, whereas these deep learning networks were better shown that they could find translation of high quality. This being said, it’s far from an open problem and there are still many problems with machine translation but it has been shown that they were better at understanding how to translate. And what is the difference between machine learning, deep learning and traditional programming? So machine learning is really an umbrella term for everything in AI that is trained from data. So it’s really quite large. It includes deep learning but also with other techniques, some of them dating back to the seventies. While deep learning is really a specific kind of technology based on neural networks which works in many cases, but there are many other techniques that are working well and have other properties that are interesting. Maybe I can say that one of the main shortcomings of neural networks. So first of all, it requires large amounts of data and for some problems you have large volumes of data base far from the case for everything if you translate it. For instance, machine translation for a language for which you don’t have a lot of resource, it’s going to be difficult to use deep learning. Another problem is that these are complete black boxes. That means you don’t understand what the system has learned and sometimes it’s okay. You don’t always need to understand everything. But if, let’s say you’re building a system for deciding whether you should give a loan to a person. And you have a system that may based on the salary of the person and where they live and whether they married or not, et cetera, et cetera. Different kind of demographic factors. And you have a system that may give a good prediction about whether a person is entitled to no, no. But it’s not able to explain the rationale behind their decision. It’s going to be heavily problematic because you need a system that not only gives an answer but explains why they came to that particular answer. And so that’s an important shortcoming of neural networks. And that’s why sometimes machine learning systems may have a slightly lower performance on some respect but are able to explain the steps, the processing steps behind their decision sometimes are much better. So there’s no one single way to evaluate those models. There are different kinds of pros and cons behind different kinds of technologies. Yes, And traditional programming is simply what you do when you don’t learn the model, where you simply pre-program all the rules in advance.
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Deep learning is the only machine learning technology.
The goal of deep learning is to train neural networks with many processing layers.
Systems can learn how to perform complicated tasks thanks to these many nodes combined and connected in a large network of such nodes.
Deep learning has been used in machine translation which is automated translation.
In machine translation like Google Translate, you don’t need to understand the context of the sentences, the linguistic properties of both languages or how words can combine with each other.
Deep neural machine translation works better and is of higher quality than traditional machine translation, but still needs to improve a lot.
Machine learning is a very general term for everything in AI that is trained from data.
Machine learning does not include deep learning.
Deep learning is a very specific technology based on neural networks.
Traditional programming is what you do when you pre-program the rules in advance and don’t train the models.
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And so you mentioned already machine translation. Can you provide maybe one or more examples of popular use of machine learning? Yes. So machine learning search, like in Google search, search engines, computer vision, speech recognition. It’s used there basically for any kind of classification or prediction. And most companies nowadays have some kind of system. There automate some of their decision or predictions. In robotics, it’s always first also a field where you have a lot of machine learning models for helping the robots decide what they should do and how they should do it. In the industry, machine learning and deep learning are so heavily used. Before, it was, you know, statistical models and machine learning models for the development of this. You mentioned already some advantages and opportunities for machine learning for society. Can you also mention maybe some more? One of the main advantages is probably that of automation. It’s automating tasks that may be repetitive and interesting yeah, something I forgot maybe to mention. But also, everything that you do with autonomous, semi-autonomous cars. It’s also another example where much of driving is repetitive, is routine. It’s about looking for patterns, basically. And computers are quite good at recognizing patterns and doing that systematically.24/7 while human drivers are notoriously bad at keeping track of what’s happening on the road for hours and hours on end. That’s another case where automating a process that is more or less routine and repetitive in most cases can be heavily beneficial. Of course, it’s a good case in point because much of what’s happening on the road is repetitive. But sometimes you have a complex situation, you have something that is unexpected that happens on the road. And machine learning is based on historical data. It’s learning from what has been seen in the past and trying to generalize from it. But the capacity to generalize is much weaker than what we have as human individuals. So while we can understand quickly a new situation that unfolds, it’s much harder for computer.
1/3: Where is machine learning being used nowadays?
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In machine translation, search engines like google search, computer vision, speech recognition, automated decision making, classifications and predictions, robotics, autonomous cars.2/3: What is the main advantage of machine learning for society?
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Automation of repetitive and monotonous tasks and processes.3/3: What is machine learning based on?
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Historical data in supervised machine learning, learning from what we’ve seen in the past and generalising from it.Quiz question 1/1
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Now we will move to human mission interaction. What are the goals of human machine interactions, in your opinion? So the goal of human machine interaction is simply to create good interfaces between a human individual that wishes to perform a given task and a machine that supports that task. And just a graphical user interface isa very simple example of this. But of course, anything that has to do with interaction, with technology is part of this. So I’ve been working on talking robots, for instance, and that’s another kind of interaction that is quite different from a window on your screen, but it’s also an interface in the sense that you in that case using spoken language to provide instructions to receive feedback on what’s going on in the execution of the task. And the question is always how we can have a communication that is fluid, where the person understand what’s going on and can easily convey what ought to be done. And how can devices be controlled? It really depends on the technology. I mean, for a computer window it’s rather straight forward as long as you understand the interface that a small cross means that you closing the window. And for more sophisticated tools, it’s of course a bit harder because you need to find something that is intuitive enough, yet also powerful enough to enable the range of possibilities for the particular device that you have. For a robot, for instance, it’s quite large, but the set of possible things that the robot can say and do in the world. So you need some kind of and it’s one of the core tenets of human robot interaction, you need some kind of transparency. That means the system should as much as possible provide very explicit signals as to what the system has understood, what it has not understood, where itis in the execution of the task, so that the user is as much as possible in control, because without information there is no control.
1/3: What is the main goal of human machine interaction?
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Create good interfaces between a human who wishes to perform a particular task and a machine that can perform this task.2/3: What examples of human machine interaction are there?
Please try to answer the question first and then click "next" to see ours.2/3: What examples of human machine interaction are there?
A graphical user interface, talking robots, interaction with technologies.3/3: What quality do tools/devices/systems/machines need to be like?
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intuitive enough and transparentQuiz question 1/1
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What will be the evolution of human mission interaction and what are the emerging trends? Well, one important trend is that early human machine interaction was really about the human adapting themselves to the kind of constraints of the interface they were dealing with. In the 70s you had very complete machines with a lot of buttons and the point was that the human had to learn how to operate the interface and the interface itself had zero adaptation. And nowadays the trend is really as much as possible to have the interface the machine trying to adapt to the human user and trying to talk their language. And what interests me as research in language technology is to have machines that talk a language that are able to interact in the communication medium that is most intuitive for us human beings which is natural spoken language because that’s what we’ve spent most of our life doing talking and listening to each other in spoken language. This is the most powerful one because we can express ideas and thoughts and basically anything in a completely effortless manner in a way that would be impossible with a rigid interface where we had to click on buttons. But of course it’s also hard because natural language is ambiguous, is vague, it’s sometimes contradictory and uncertain. It’s always a lot of interpretation going on in order to understand each other. But it’s all interesting because having a machine that understands spoken language means it’s a machine for which you don’t need any training. You know how to speak your mother tongue and it’s both very useful and user friendly. And in some cases if you think, for instance, that driving a car or cooking when your hands are in the middle of your cooking preparation, it’s also one of the only ways just to have a concrete interaction with the machine because you cannot expect the user in anonymous car to spend the time looking at the screen and touching buttons. So in many cases the future of human robot human machine interaction is really having systems that can interact with us in a way that is familiar to us either through language or through some visual language that is easy to understand. And as the last question so you mentioned already some of the opportunities and some of the challenges. Can you think of more positive effects and also some challenges of human mission interaction for society? Well, there’s always the thinking specifically of language technology. There is a challenge of unequal access and unequal resources and that goes beyond human machine interaction. But an important problem for much of today’s language technologies is, for instance, that languages have not the same degree of support, and it makes a big difference if you’re a speaker of American English or if you’re a speaker of some remote African languages that has no access. Where Google Translate does not work, you have no possibility to use the technology in any way. Sometimes you have not even a keyboard on your cell phone to express yourself in your mother tongue. And that’s, in the future, is an important challenge. Not to speak, of course, access to technology. I mean, if you don’t have a phone to begin with, you have even less of an access. But all of this how to ensure that this technology is actually providing and use as an equalizer instead of existing inequalities in the world, that’s an important challenge.
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One important emerging trend of machine learning is to have machines that can
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