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Apprendimento automatico e interazione uomo-macchina

I frammenti di intervista che seguono sono stati rilasciati da Jurij Krpan e riguardano l’importanza dell’IA e in particolare aspetti rilevanti, opportunità e rischi dell’apprendimento automatico, nonché le sfide e le minacce dell’interazione uomo-macchina.


My name is Jurij Krpan. I am a curator at Galerija Kapelica, which is a part of the Kersnikova Institute,  which is an art platform. Its purpose is to give artists access to laboratories, where they can carry out  their art projects. Galerija Kapelica has been in existence for 26 years and specialises in the field of  contemporary art research, where artists thematise, a society permeated by high technology, not only  electronics, but also biotechnology, telecommunication, robotics, and so on.

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L’intervistato, Jurij Krpan, lavora all’interno del Kersnikova Institute, che è una piattaforma artistica. Il suo scopo è quello di dare agli artisti l’accesso a laboratori, dove possono realizzare i loro progetti. L’istituto è specializzato nel campo dell’ arte contemporanea di ricerca, dove gli artisti tematizzano il rapporto tra società, tecnologia, telecomunicazioni e robotica.

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What is machine learning and how does it work? Machine learning is very simply said a written  algorithm that can process a huge amount of data. We must enable the accessibility of the data, then  there are different ways to extract the materials from this entry in the database. The material is later  changed into more or less meaningful sentences or when working with images, more or less  meaningful insights, which are a result of machine learning. Machine learning is called artificial  intelligence in a more affectionate way, since it’s not really about some intelligence but because the  machines are really capable, and their ability fascinates us in the same way as the ability of highly  intelligent people who are capable of quickly processing huge amounts of data and then communicate  it. Here I could list different types of machine learning but taking into consideration that it is in a big  swing, many new concepts are also being developed so I don’t think it makes any particular sense to  list the forms of the machine learning.

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Che cos'è il Machine learning?

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What is the main difference between machine learning and ordinary programming? There are not  many differences, but at the same time they are important. With ordinary programming, we already  have a fairly accurate idea of what is programmed and how things will look. With machine learning we  have a thesis that offers itself as a possible answer through machine learning. Some of these possible  answers are more accurate, they are more elaborated, and some are more like guessing. In fact, it is  all about more or less accurate guessing.

Quiz question 1/8

Vero o falso? L'Machine learning e la programmazione classica sono fondamentalmente la stessa cosa.

Quiz question 1/8

Vero o falso? Con la programmazione classica sappiamo praticamente come sarà il risultato finale.

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Vero o falso? Il risultato della programmazione classica può essere un risultato accurato o una speculazione.

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Vero o falso? L'Machine learning propone diversi output durante l'elaborazione dei dati.

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Can you present some concrete examples of machine learning to make it easier to imagine it? For  example, with the purpose of making it easier for people to imagine what we are dealing with, we have  used one form of machine learning, which is based on the algorithm GPT-2. It is an open AI, the second  generation, which we have included in the design of our newsletter. It is published once per month at  our institute because we have a huge variety of activities. We publish what we are going to be doing  this month, for example some exhibition, workshops, performances, where we are hosting, we also  publish similar events run by our partners around the world. In short, there is quite a lot of data and  at the beginning of this newsletter I wrote an introduction which should have motivated the recipient  to go through our quite long newsletter. I was constantly late with these introductions and our PR  constantly reminded me about it. Together we came up with the idea of algorithm writing the  introduction. Now all the published texts are put through the algorithm, which later transforms it into  a short text. It creates a short metaphor for what was put into the algorithm. The database is rather  small, since the basis is our newsletter, but it manages to summarise the texts more or less  appropriately. Some words are used in a strange way, especially because the algorithm is meant for  English and not Slovene language. Then it searches the web in all the Slavic languages for language and  letter specifics. Texts are usually formed from Polish, Czech, Russian. Every time you press the submit  button, the second suggestion appears. It takes a little bit of effort and pressing the submit button.  Later, human intelligence and judgment take place. The person who creates the newsletter chooses  the appropriate introduction of the newsletter by himself. It is now more efficient. We have delegated  one function to the algorithm. Usually more witty introductions are chosen, by which we point to the  capacity on the ability of this machine learning. Recipients of our newsletter can get a little sense of  what it means to create an introduction with the help of the algorithm.

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Per quale scopo è stato utilizzato il Machine learning presso l'Istituto Kersnikova?

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Che cosa hanno evitato i creatori della rivista dell'Istituto Kersnikova utilizzando il Machine learning?

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Qual è la sequenza dei processi di applicazione del Machine learning presso l'Istituto Kersnikova?

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Quali possono essere i problemi dei testi generati dagli algoritmi?

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It is about the cooperation with artificial intelligence and human interaction with a machine. Can you  tell us more about the human-machine interaction? Yes, I’m increasingly convinced that artificial  intelligence is not about some kind of intelligence that is in any way similar to human intelligence, but  that these algorithms are really so capable that they become our dialogue partners. As if when I am  sitting around the table with my colleagues we debate sometimes about the program, sometimes  finance, sometimes about politics and so on, we have another chair where this machine is sitting. It  offers us an echo of our thoughts. We have not yet in such a way implemented the artificial  intelligence, but we intend to, because we are developing an interface which will help the innovators  innovate. We would like to see that one of the innovators is a kind of AI. Perhaps it can contribute an  inspiration in a brainstorming session or a talk with humour or uncanny way of folding things together.  Especially if there is a group of experts around the table who are more egocentric and emotionally  exhausting. On the other hand we have a machine, which creates approximation and suggestions that  release the tension in these conversations. At the beginning I have mention that this machine iterates  what is said or put in by the humans. In artistic circles we are dealing with the idea in which these  machines can emancipate through conversation among themselves, machine to the machine. They  develop some lexicon, some level of communication which is incomprehensible to us humans. But can  be meaningful and through this communication we can better understand the way the algorithms  work. We have art projects where data is taken from sensors which are attached to plants or some  environments in which the animals move and act which are equipped with sensors. Then suddenly you  don’t get any more human-human dialogue (excluding that a person is already included, since he has  written the algorithm), but communication between extracted human in algorithm, the animals, or  plants. Art projects that we do encourage interactivity that is not just responsiveness, for example you  press a button, and something jumps, but true interaction, meaning you press, something happens,  and it influences you back that you press again. It creates a communication loop. We have a situation  of intercognition between more forms of liveliness, machine, and plants. Through this communication  which can be very different from that of a human – plant, we are exploring our own prejudices as to  what the plant is and what the machine is. It acts as a bioindicator and so on. The artists are using  these tools in very innovative ways, so we can better understand these tools on one hand and to better  understand the nature or the environment in which we live on the other hand. The amount of data is  so big that sometimes it is bigger than the average human brain can process and because of that it  makes sense to develop algorithms.

Quiz question 1/8

Vero o falso? L'intelligenza artificiale può produrre nuove idee ed è utile per il brainstorming.

Quiz question 1/8

Vero o falso? Uno degli scopi degli algoritmi nell'IA è una migliore comprensione della tecnologia e dell'ambiente in cui viviamo.

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Vero o falso? Non è necessario l'intervento umano per far funzionare i sistemi di intelligenza artificiale.

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Vero o falso? L'intelligenza artificiale può essere una buona fonte di comunicazione oggettiva.

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Vero o falso? Secondo l'esperto, l'intelligenza umana può essere equiparata all'intelligenza artificiale.

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Vero o falso? L'intelligenza artificiale può essere un mediatore interattivo per il circolo comunicativo con esseri non umani, ad esempio animali e piante.

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What are the threats and challenges when working with AI? Challenges are the same as in every  technology we use in our lives. A user without knowledge and sensibility risks that the machine will  use him and not the opposite. We see this already in very simple consumer situations. Our phones  have taken a large part of our attention. We do see that technology enters our intimate lives, as well  it affects the society. Sometimes, say at the beginning of mobile telephony, it was easier for the few  who had the phones and they had a certain advantage in the organization of the work. Today it is so  that if you do not have a mobile phone and if you are not always accessible it is already a disadvantage  and it is already a certain psychological pressure on the people. You must know how and when to  unplug yourself, and also protect your right for privacy. Here I see the need for people to develop their  digital literacy and computer literacy. Simply, as every man develops a certain financial literacy, e.g.  when he goes to the shop he knows that he will not pay a thousand euros for the bread. Similarly, we  have to develop digital and computer literacy.

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Secondo l'esperto, è vero che l'autocontrollo umano e la definizione dei limiti non influiscono sull'uso ottimale della tecnologia

L'alfabetizzazione digitale è importante per un migliore controllo della tecnologia?

È vero che la tecnologia non influisce sulla società nel suo complesso?

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Secondo l’esperto è importante capire e percepire l’IA attraverso opere d’arte, perché gli artisti usano gli algoritmi per mostrare la posizione dell’uomo nella società di oggi e quindi ci permettono di guardare noi stessi da una prospettiva esterna. Le opere d’arte interattive forniscono una più profonda comprensione e l’identificazione di miti sull’intelligenza artificiale. La comprensione e l’uso corretto della tecnologia possono portare a un miglioramento della qualità della vita e a una migliore comprensione dell’ambiente in cui viviamo.

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